The vegetation of lateritic crusts in Northwestern Benin (Atakora region)
Andropogon pseudapricus, Cyanotis lanata, grass savanna, hardpan, Lepidagathis anobrya, Loudetia togoensis, Spermacoce filifolia, Sudanian zone, Terminalia laxifloraAbstract
Most of the grass savannas on lateritic crusts found in the North-Western of Benin are free of trees and a shrub layer is only sparsely developed. The only constant member of the shrub layer is Terminalia laxiflora. Intermediate constancy show Entada africana and Annona senegalensis. With regard to the herbaceous layer two types can be identified: On very shallow soils (<2 cm) Loudetia togoensis is highly constant and often dominating. The same is true for Andropogon pseudapricus on soils of a little bit more than 2 cm. In those types, Lepidagathis anobrya and Spermacoce filifolia show very high constancy (constancy class V) and Cyanotis lanata and Melliniella micrantha occur with high constancy (IV).
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