UseDa - a new database tool on ethnobotanical uses of West African plant species


  • Karen Hahn
  • Marco Schmidt
  • Anne Mette Lykke
  • Adjima Thiombiano



ethnobotany, data base tool, West African plants


Knowledge about useful plants and their various applications in West Africa is scattered over many publications and often in form of grey literature difficult to access. Several online-databases compile large scale information from these sources and provide comprehensive summarized descriptions of plant usages. Our aim is to additionally build up a database (UseDa) for primary ethnobotanical interview data. Thus, quantitative data can be extracted and synthesized and data sets can be treated according to different research questions analyzing for example uses in specific areas, of different ethnic groups or user groups, which is essential for practical applications on a local level. In this article we give an overview on the technical structure and the content of the database and discuss at the end the possible output for practical application. The database was set up in the frame of the EU-funded Project UNDESERT.


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How to Cite

K. Hahn, M. Schmidt, A. M. Lykke, and A. Thiombiano, “UseDa - a new database tool on ethnobotanical uses of West African plant species”, FVSS, vol. 17, pp. 42–48, Dec. 2014.



