Impact of land use on juvenile densities of woody plants in a West African savanna


  • Katrin Jurisch
  • Markus Bernhardt-Römermann
  • Rüdiger Wittig
  • Karen Hahn



abundance, human impact, soil conditions, vegetation cover, vegetation height


In West African savannas, human land use affects the density of woody species seedlings and saplings (juveniles) by altering the state of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the land resulting in different land-cover types. We determined juvenile densities of 25 characteristic woody savanna species on non-arable sites, in fallows and in a protected area (in total 39 plots), and analyzed the influence of land use on juvenile densities. We further related the influence of land use on juvenile densities to 23 environmental parameters describing soil properties and vegetation structure. Soil acidity, particle size distribution of the soil, and vegetation structure differed between land-cover types. In terms of human impact, we detected five groups of species responding similarly to land use. Although we detected significant differences in soil properties, their direct effects on juvenile densities are less pronounced than their indirect effects. By altering the availability of resources, soil properties affect height and cover of all plants growing in the surrounding of a young woody plant, increasing the competition for light, water and nutrients during the establishment and initial growth. These effects are intensified by human land use and vary between land-cover types.


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How to Cite

K. Jurisch, M. Bernhardt-Römermann, R. Wittig, and K. Hahn, “Impact of land use on juvenile densities of woody plants in a West African savanna”, FVSS, vol. 19, pp. 18–34, Dec. 2016.



