Termites and savannas – an overview on history and recent scientific progress with particular respect to West Africa and to the genus Macrotermes


  • Arne Erpenbach
  • Rüdiger Wittig




ecosystem engineers, Macrotermes, savanna, termite biology, termite mounds, vegetation pattern


Particularly in savannas, termites are ecosystem engineers and a keystone group in ecology. For the understanding of the savanna vegetation, mound building termites are of particular interest. Due to their special soil chemistry and physical structure, termite mounds often host other plants than the surrounding savanna. As our knowledge of the specific contribution of mound-building termites to overall savanna diversity and ecosystem dynamics doubtlessly is not complete, this paper summarises the state of the art in order to stimulate further research. According to the research interest of the authors, focus is laid on the West African savanna and on the genus Macrotermes.


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How to Cite

A. Erpenbach and R. Wittig, “Termites and savannas – an overview on history and recent scientific progress with particular respect to West Africa and to the genus Macrotermes”, FVSS, vol. 19, pp. 35–51, Dec. 2016.



