Peasant perception and vascular plants denomination in Mossé society: A case study in north, north-central, central and Plateau Central regions of Burkina Faso (West Africa)


  • Salfo Savadogo
  • Issaka Ouedraogo
  • Adjima Thiombiano



ethnobotany, plant species, vernacular names, mooré, denomination, biodiversity, interview


This study analyzes local strategies for naming plants by the Mossé of North, North-central, Central and Plateau Central regions in Burkina Faso and their perceptions of the plants. Through semi-structured interviews with 1437 people aged at least 60 years and young people under 40of different localities, the study has allowed to show the naming criteria, the conceptions that populations have of plant species and the impact of this knowledge in the conservation of plant diversity. 72 species in total were described, belonging to 51 genera and 29 families. The most dominant families are Commelinaceae and Mimosaceae. In the local taxonomy of plants in Mossé rural areas, 16 criteria are used. The most cited criteria are the use of the plant (94%), the mysticism related to the species (86%), the ecology or the living environment of the species (83%), male/female duality (83%), color of organs or parts of the plant (81%), plant origin (80%), leaf morphology (76%), the presence of prominent organs on the plant (75%) and the mode of dissemination of fruits or seeds (74%). The botanical names vary from one region to another. People have perceptions of many species. Thus, species such as Stereospermum kunthianum, Calotropis procera, Ozoroa insignis, Faidherbia albida, Maytenus senegalensis and Biophytum umbraculum are mystical. They are all feared by the local people and are in certain localities exempt from multiform human exploitation. This contributes to a better conservation of biodiversity.


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How to Cite

S. Savadogo, I. Ouedraogo, and A. Thiombiano, “Peasant perception and vascular plants denomination in Mossé society: A case study in north, north-central, central and Plateau Central regions of Burkina Faso (West Africa)”, FVSS, vol. 20, pp. 12–25, Dec. 2017.



