Materialästhetische Bilderbuchanalyse
Eine Perspektivierung der materiellen Dimension
[English title and abstract below]
Bilderbücher verfügen über einen Körper im Raum. Sie haben ein bestimmtes Format und Gewicht, bestehen aus Papier, einem Rücken, Vorsatzblättern und Knickkanten. Wie Druckmedien generell sind sie jeweils auf eine bestimmte Art gemacht und konstituieren sich durch eine Form, Gestalt und Oberfläche. BüchermacherInnen weisen in ästhetischen Reflexionen auf die verwandte Struktur der Architektur mit ihrem Metier und Medium hin.
Material-aesthetic Picturebook Analysis
Getting the Material Dimension into Perspective
Picturebook research has always required an interdisciplinary approach. What picture-books actually are is open, but what they represent and what they can perform comes not only from their immaterial but also from their material framings. Material plays different narrative roles in the production and reception. Referring to positions of the ›material turn,‹ this article shows how picturebooks, on various levels, urge readers to pay attention to their materiality and sensuality. This is done by discussing the concept of materiality and looking at the work of the artist Jörg Müller and the writer Jörg Steiner, who have co-created seven picturebooks published between 1976 and 1998. Based on selected examples from their work, it is shown that the interaction of phenomenological aspects of the book and the text-image narrative is multifaceted. This article implements the concepts of ›materiality,‹ ›sensuousness‹ and ›presence‹ in the analysis of picturebooks.
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